On savoring God’s gifts

The LORD blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part.

-Job 42:12a, NIV

When you go through a divorce from a cheater, you start to see life differently. You cannot go through that experience and remain unmarked. That said, today’s post is about a positive out of that horrible experience.

Personally, I have found I savor the gifts God gives me more.

-I savor the gift of a wife who is jealous of my love and fiercely loyal.

-I savor the gift of a daughter that I never would have had with my ex-wife.

-I cherish my Munchkin’s snuggles, and the opportunities I get to communicate my love for her.

-I savor the work and career God has given me.

-I appreciate a good relationship with my in-laws.

-I cherish the love of my animals (who continue to teach me lessons on joy and peace).

So many things could be named. God has richly blessed me. Having gone through a time of intense loss and difficulty has sensitized my soul to gratitude.

I know what it is like to be without, and therefore–I hope–I find myself less likely to take these incredible gifts for granted.



*A version of this post ran previously. Still savoring, though 😉