One-sided transparency

One-sided transparency

Funny how some Cheaters want their partners to be completely transparent with them while hiding the darkest secrets for themselves. This is yet another power play on their part.

They want the information. They want what you know. Then they know what you know and what they know as a mentor of mine once pointed out to me (about another situation).

“Knowledge is power” is not just a saying. It is truth.

Lack of transparency is a power move on their part. They are trying to keep you in the dark and hold all the cards, so to speak. That is part of the reason they get angry when we uncover their secrets.

Now–armed with knowledge–we have the power to make informed decisions. They might have to face consequences for their actions. Oh, no!

Lack of transparency is all about control. They are trying to control the faithful spouse by withholding critical information about their behaviors.

And they are even happier if they can get your transparent sharing as that helps them to continue hiding and orchestrating their sick world in the way they wish.