Playing Catch Up

I do not know anyone through this ministry or otherwise who was once married to a Cheater where the infidelity deception did not entail significant time–i.e. months or years.

All those lies do significant damage. We, faithful spouses, are playing catch up trying to piece together what was and wasn’t true over the years.

This is what so many do not understand about these situations. The focus gets minimized to the illicit sex act when it is FAR, FAR more problematic than that (even though, THAT is problematic as well)!

This is part of why I hold a dim view on restoring marriages ravaged by infidelity. A true miracle of character change on the Cheater’s part must occur for a godly marriage restoration to take place.

Cheaters have to unlearn the habit of lying. That’s hard.

Even if you do decide to divorce your Cheater, you still are playing catch up as they were doing this with full knowledge while you were kept in the dark. In fact, they may have been laying plans to funnel money or other resources to feather their nest a part from you. It is truly dark stuff!