To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven….
-Ecclesiastes 3:1, KJV
So, you decided to divorce your cheater. However, you are still married.
Please do not date during this limbo period.
You will have plenty of time to do this after the divorce is finalized. This is a good time to invest in yourself. Adding a third party can lead to further heartache during an already difficult time.
Plus, the honorable thing is to see your marriage vows through to the actual end of the marriage.
We all get to make our choices. This is my advice as a pastor, and someone who went through a divorce. I could have dated while my divorce was being finalized… but I didn’t.
Also, I did not date people afterwards who were still “technically” married.
In fact, I considered that a major red flag if someone confessed to be “technically” married still. Plenty of Cheaters talk about their marriages being “over” or being “separated” as a pickup line for their affair partners. Don’t join that club, please!
*A version of this post ran previously.