Prove to you? Really?!

I am my lover’s, and my lover is mine.

-Song of Solomon 6:3a, NLT

Prove to you? Really?!

One of the biggest contrasts between my current marriage and my marriage to Cheater is how Mrs. DM treats me as the prize. I am not a means to something like I was with Cheater.

This is what is really meant when a Cheater insists that you prove your worth to them to stay married.

They have already done the calculations in their mind and discarded you as not fulfilling their uses anymore. It is sick and dehumanizing. But it is the way Cheaters do “relationships.” They are transactional.

The hubris of Cheaters is truly astounding in these situations. They lack the basic decency to see that they ought to be the one convincing us to stay!

Yet they are sadly supported by many people and Christian leaders pushing the faithful spouse to cater to such sick demands. It is a real disservice to Cheaters spiritually as they are going the opposite direction to repentance and that has major implications for their souls.

God is not pleased with such displays of utter arrogance and pride as He opposes the proud (e.g James 4:6).



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