PSA: Cheaters are manipulators.

Public Service Announcement:

Cheaters are manipulators!

That is how they roll. Cheaters use the trust of the faithful spouse to avoid consequences for their sinful behaviors.

Cheaters lie, which is always a form of manipulation. They withhold truth. Also, many will engage in gas-lighting their victims. (For those unfamiliar with the term of “gas-lighting,” it refers to the act where one party tries to convince the other that their correct perceptions are actually wrong.)

Some are so “good” at this that they are able to live double lives for months or even years.

Pastors and “Christian” counselors need to understand this basic truth about cheaters.

The sooner they realize this, the better–both for them and the faithful spouse. Without understanding this, they set themselves up to be manipulated–aka “played” by the cheater.