PSA: They did not “have to” cheat!


Public Service Announcement (PSA):

They did NOT have to cheat on you! No matter what.

They chose sin over godliness, and that is on them.

Personally, I think this is the most tragic thing about marital infidelity. It is also one of the oldest of lies–i.e. that they “had to” cheat. The cheater did not have to go down that path of sin. They chose it.

A marriage did not have to be ravaged by infidelity.

Yet the cheater chose to ravage it. Some then engage in blame-shifting by suggesting it was some sort of fault of the faithful spouse. This is evil.

Nothing justifies sinning. Cheating on your spouse is sinning. The only person who can stop sinning is the sinner.

In other words, the sin of cheating is completely the fault of the sinning partner. They did not HAVE TO cheat.

Rather, they chose sin over honoring their marriage vows, and that is on them (see 2 Corinthian 5:10).



*A version of this post ran previously.