Refuse to go another round on the crazy ride!

To heal, we have to acknowledge the truth.

The sad thing is our cheater may never actually do this. They might engage you in an endless battle over getting you to take responsibility for their abuse of you.

That argument is one crazy ride.

Refuse to take the bait. While helpful, you do not have to have their agreement to know the truth. Latch onto the truth, and let that propel you to healing.

Adultery is always wrong (see Exodus 20:14).

This is the truth. God has revealed this truth to humankind for thousands of years. Nothing new to see here. A cheater might want you to somehow accept how they “had to” commit adultery. They might try to beat you down verbally and emotionally until you agree their adultery was “understandable”–i.e. excusable.

Don’t take the bait.

Do NOT jump on that crazy merry go round.

The truth is that no one deserves to be cheated upon. God does not give anyone an out to commit adultery. God simply condemns it in the Ten Commandments. The argument is over. Truth has spoken. Adultery is wrong. It never should have happened. An adultery victim does not have the power to provide an excuse for the adulterous partner to cheat as God recognizes none.

So, refuse to ride.

Don’t get on the Crazy-Go-Round!



*A version of this post ran previously.

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