Ring Bellwether

When a cheater goes on vacation and removes her wedding ring, you can be sure she is emotionally unfaithful (and likely more).

The wedding ring minds us and others that we are married. It is a symbol that helps signal socially that the person is unavailable.

A person choosing to remove this article and “forget” about the marriage is a person who is choosing to forget their covenant and commitment. That is an invitation to emotional and physical affairs.

Plus, the vacation excuse is an absurd excuse.

We would not accept this excuse in other similar situations:

Try telling the cops or Child Protective Services that you needed to forget you are a mother of a five year old and that is why you left your child alone for three days. I bet they will not respond with “understanding.”

We understand that some commitments in life are ongoing. Once we make these commitments, we are bound by them continuously. Marriage is one such commitment.

A cheater would like to think otherwise. However, a wise pastor will correct this thinking and point out the emotional infidelity danger of such.