“But if any place refuses to welcome you or listen to you, shake its dust from your feet as you leave to show that you have abandoned those people to their fate.”
-Mark 6:11, NLT
At some point, we need to let go of the need for an apology and reparations for the wrongs we experienced at the hands of our cheaters.
It was wrong. It happened. They owe us an apology and reparations for what they did.
However, some will never see the light on that.
They have chosen the darkness and a life of sin. The lie is what they have decided to live. Honesty is too hard.
I put my ex-wife in this category.
Forgiveness of her for me means shaking off the dust. I have chosen to allow God to settle the account going forward as He sees fit.
He is good and just. I trust God’s judgment.
I do not need to wait upon my ex-wife to do the right thing. Playing the punisher for the rest of my life is not a role I desire.
Shaking off the dust is about as far as forgiveness goes currently with her.
And I am okay with that today (it took time to get to this place and many choices to not take up the punisher role again).
And it is okay if that is as far as you get with your cheater.
Some will never own their bad behavior and how destructive it was for us. Some choose a false narrative about themselves because reality is far less rosy.
Please do not wait around for their awakening.
It may never come. Transfer the cost to God’s account and move on in making a new, awesome life.
In other words, shake the dust off your feet. You do not have to remain captive to their response or lack thereof.