But the Lord is still there in the city,
and he does no wrong.
Day by day he hands down justice,
and he does not fail.
But the wicked know no shame.-Zephaniah 3:5, NLT
Shameful behavior deserves to be treated as shameful behavior.
I believe in unconditional love. However, I do believe we must reject a life of shameful behavior as a life living a lie.
The problem with many cheater is they are like the wicked in Jerusalem that the prophet Zephaniah talks about here in 3:5.
They lie without shame.
They cheat without shame.
They even attend Christian churches sometimes without shame.
Such shameful behavior ought to hurt. It ought to tell the cheater that they need to reform.
Such behavior ought to scream to them about a betrayal of who God made them to be–i.e. not a lying cheater in open sinful defiance with their Creator!
However, some are so given over to the lie that they have no shame. Their shameful behavior does not trouble them in the least.
And that is truly sad.
However, as we read in Scripture, this phenomenon is not new. It is how the wicked truly behave, sadly.
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