Should have been enough!

Should have been enough!

When the first confession of an “emotional affair” dropped, I realize now that I should have taken that VERY serious. I didn’t back then.

Honestly, it just felt like more drama, and I probably was in a state of depression at the time. I wasn’t prepared to level consequences. It would have blown up my world to do that. I chose denial.

Yet, my world was eventually blown up anyways.

So, I would not recommend denial. Take confessed “emotional affairs” seriously!

It should have been enough to level consequences including pursuing divorce. By not taking it seriously and allowing her to manipulate the narrative into blaming me, I allowed the problem to fester and grow.

The disrespect grew into utter contempt. I would not recommend tolerating that.

One thought on “Should have been enough!”

  1. And the Holy Spirit is never going to lead someone towards the truth of how contemptible someone is or how deserving of disrespect they are, particularly a husband or wife.

    Satan, on the other hand…

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