Sickening Smugness Among “Christians”

Smug, married Christians act intolerably towards faithful spouses hemorrhaging from soul rape.

These are “know it all” Christians who think all that proceeds from their mouths is gold. They are the “wise” ones in their eyes.

The reality is what proceeds from their mouths would be better used to fertilize the fields.

These smug people think and talk as if the faithful spouse had power to prevent their own victimization. They proclaim “The Shared Responsibility Lie” with lines about how the faithful spouse must own “their part.”

Knowing full well that the cheater committed adultery, they will still drop nuggets of “wisdom” like “It takes two to tango” and “There’s always two sides to a story.”

With friends like that, who needs enemies?!

They would make Job friends proud in how they emulated their totally erroneous, ungodly advice. In fact, they even couch such advice in religious language like Job’s compatriots.

It is time to find a new group of “friends,” if this is what you experience in response to this especially humiliating and excruciating trauma. 

Ignorance can be educated. You can work with this group. They are not willfully so.

Now, the arrogantly ignorant who sit smugly in a one-up position towards you are beyond hope of educating. They are best avoided until God chooses–if He ever does–to break them of their sinful pride.

*A version of this post ran previously.