Sin is to be silent.

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

-Ephesians 5:11, NIV

If you know something, say something.

It is that simple. We are commanded to expose the “deeds of darkness,” NOT to keep them hidden.

If we do not obey a command, we are sinning. It is a sin to be silent.

Imagine learning a “friend” knew for months about how your spouse was risking your health by cheating but said nothing?!

How would you feel about such a friend?

Betrayed is how I would feel.

They did not care enough about me to tell me information critical to my well-being. Instead, they sided with my adulterous abuser keeping her sick secret.

This is yet another example of how adultery spreads out further than just the couple. Like a plume of manure, this adulterous, sinful muck hits the whole community.

When people who know about the affair keep silent, they are participating in perpetuating the deception of the faithful spouse.

Silence is not a morally neutral. It is sin.

By remaining silent, you are allowing the cheater continue to abuse and deceive the faithful spouse.

Say something! You are commanded to expose deeds like this.



*A version of this post ran previously.

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