So hard

Do I believe a marriage can come back after a spouse cheats?

To answer this question, I think you have to answer another prior question. That question is a question about God working miracles today. I DO believe God still works miracles today; so, I do believe God can resurrect a marriage killed by infidelity.

That said, a resurrected marriage is very hard and not the normal course of things.

It takes a miracle.

The trauma will always be part of that marriage’s story. That is why it is so hard.

How do you trust someone, again, who has violated your soul in that way?

The effects will remain even with forgiveness. Forgiveness does not erase natural consequences. Loss of trust is one of those.

One case of such a resurrected marriage is one where the cheater was completely transparent and NEVER blamed the faithful spouse for the infidelity. He humbled himself and went to work on his issues for years

Most cheaters will not do such things.

They chose the easier path of blaming others for their sins. The last thing they want to do is humble themselves. So, it takes a miracle for a cheater to become truly humble and pursue the path of righteousness necessary for healing and resurrecting the marriage.