Somehow I was wrong?!

“This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’”

-Proverbs 30:20, NIV

I wonder how many of us had “skilled” Cheaters who could turn their wrong into “our” fault in the therapist’s or pastor’s office.

Maybe they even freely admitted to cheating on you in front of the pastor or therapist? Then they somehow made the session about YOUR “deficiencies” that “drove” them to do such a thing.

Their victimization of you was no longer the issue. They had successfully turned the narrative to them–the perpetrator–being the “victim.” YOUR “victim.”

It is so sick and wrong.

This is why you need to find a pastor or therapist who understands highly manipulator people. If they don’t and come into the conversation as if your Cheater is genuinely trying to help, then they will be co-opted in the Cheater’s abuse of you likely.

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