“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep. “
-John 10:11, NLT
Holding onto to the belief in God’s goodness is a real fete of soul strength during the time of infidelity discovery and divorce.
I know it is not easy. It is a real test of one’s will to continue to choose to believe in God’s love and His goodness during this time when the opposite feels true.
One thing I have learned over my training as a powerlifter is how recovery is arguably more important than actually doing another lifting session.
The body needs time to heal and rejuvenate. I think this is true of the soul as well. We need times where we are renewed and refreshed.
One way I renew my soul is through listening to music that speaks truth to my heart. The songs become my prayers.
There’s power in music to move truth from the head to the heart. I think this is especially important during this dark season. We need reminders to help carry us through when we are not “feeling it.” I know I did.
What songs have done that for you? What songs are part of your soul care plan?
*A version of this post ran previously.