Souls are eternal, not marriages.

For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.

-Matthew 22:30, KJV

This verse is very clear.

Jesus tells us human marriage does not endure in heaven. Since this is true, spiritual counsel ought to take this into account.

The priority ought to be on soul care and NOT saving the marriage at the cost of damning souls.

What does this look like?
It means a complete intolerance to adultery. A wise and godly pastor refuses to encourage a marriage to continue while one partner continues in unrepentant sin like adultery.

Such unrepentant sin is a real and present danger to the soul of the cheater (see Hebrews 10:26-27).

Plus, that is not even talking about the damage such sin is doing to the faithful party. That matters, too! God cares about His children.

It is not right to tolerate adultery as the price to keep the marriage from ending in divorce!

That communicates a lie to the faithful spouse:

God hates divorce more than adultery!

This is simply not true…

God hates adultery more than divorce for God Himself engaged in divorce (see Jeremiah 3:8).

*A version of this post ran previously.

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