Speak truth to shame

There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, But the tongue of the wise promotes health.

-Proverbs 12:18, NKJV

Stuck with serrated shame.

This is how I describe that experience you get when someone finds your emotionally vulnerable place and shames you there. It might only be a word or two. However, the damage is real and ongoing like a serrated knife stuck in your side.

Maybe she belittled how much money you make attacking your manhood?

Maybe he scoffed at how “fat” and “unattractive” you have become over the years?

 You get the idea.

These are cruel words. They are words designed to cut and cut deep. Any person–let alone a spouse–who said these things is a person who is out to hurt you.

It is important in times like these to speak truth to lies. This is the only way to dislodge the serrated shame blade.

Remind yourself that your manhood does not increase or decrease by the number in your check book.

Remind yourself that your value as a woman does not rise or fall base on the number on the scale.

You are valuable as you are.



*A version of this post ran previously.