Stop fighting what IS!

Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.

-Proverbs 20:11, KJV


Look at your partner’s actions.

Is this the sort of thing someone who truly loves another person would do to them?

Is this the sort of thing someone who truly is sorry would do?

Is this the sort of treatment you would tolerate from a so-called “friend?”

We have choices to make.

Staying after they have revealed themselves is tempting in the midst of grief. We do not want to admit we were duped.

And it is scary to face how vulnerable we are. Cheating exposes how little control we have over the “success” of our marriage. It takes two.

My advice for faithful spouses is:

Stop fighting what IS!

The sooner the reality sets in about the character of the cheater, the better. It will help you make sound decisions for your own well-being.

Cheaters prey upon faithful spouses’ fight against the truth of who the cheaters truly are–namely, abusers and users.

Trust your eyes.

The actions speaks volumes. And the lack of (repentant) action speaks even more.






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