Successful First “Cheated On Support Group”

In response to the call to create an in person support group for people dealing with infidelity abuse, I created the “Cheated On Support Group.”

We ended one week early as we made it through the material I had hoped to cover in 12 weeks instead of needing 13 weeks. It was a small but very good group that engaged with the material and supported each other well.

I am grateful that I was able to join them along their journey of healing and offer some things I’ve learned on my own journey.

The plan is to run the group again. This time I hope to do a better job of promoting it for others to see it. I will plan on refining my materials with the eventual goal of having something publishable for others to use some day.

Churches need specific groups for people who have experienced being cheated on of this I am convinced! This is one step towards making that a reality.