Trusting God with our hurts is hard.
Forgiveness is about doing just that, though. It is allowing God be God in our situation.But forgiving our cheater is nearly impossible if we believe we care more about justice than God.
Justice matters to God.
He did not just give sin a pass. It isn’t cheap for God to forgive. The blood of God means God takes justice VERY seriously.Does that mean our cheater simply has to ask God for forgiveness and all is good?
I don’t think so. God still requires us to work the ministry of reconciliation as His true followers. That reconciliation is not happening if a cheater is unwilling to repair what he or she destroyed.Back to the trust of God thing…
Personally, I believe this is so.I just want to encourage you to consider that God might care more about injustice of your situation than you do. God may have greater anger over the injustice you experience than you have.
Does that sound like someone you can trust with your heart and with your wounds?
It does and did to me. ________________ *A version of this post ran previously.Appreciate the messages shared on this blog? Want more? Consider picking up my book:
This is such an encouragement. Thank you so much for this post. It’s a wonderful reminder that, although I’m over what cheater did to me, I find myself sometimes wondering about the injustice of it all and how I don’t see justice in my situation. But this is timely reminder and even radical, I might add, to see that God cares more about the injustice in my situation than I do!
Thank you for this.