The Deceptions!!!

Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

-Proverbs 27:6, KJV

Cheaters deceive.

That is what they do. Lies are their language. And that is what makes unwinding what happened so hard for their lies’ target, the faithful spouse.

What was once thought real is revealed to have been manipulated through their lies.

Some Cheaters will even call for transparency and openness. What they are actually requesting is for YOU to tell them everything while they continue lying as that gives them power.

“Knowledge is power” as the saying goes.

Cheaters are loathe to give up this power. They may actually get off on the deception. It is sick and abusive.

We–faithful spouses–may never know the full truth. However, that does not mean we have to forever remain stuck with such an individual. We can divorce with peace knowing you deserve better than such contemptuous abuse (see Mt 19:9).

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