Ultimate Defiance – Defying God

“Do everything they say to you,” the Lord replied, “for they are rejecting me, not you. They don’t want me to be their king any longer.”

-I Samuel 8:7, NLT

For whatever reason, recognizing the larger picture is helpful. Cheaters are not “just” rejecting their spouse. They are rejecting God.

They may say otherwise. In fact, they may continue practicing in religious settings. However, the truth is they are rejecting God.

God was party to the covenant that they rejected by being unfaithful (see Malachi 2:14-15).

Cheaters are primary offenders of their relationship with God. They are violating God’s clear prohibition throughout the Bible against committing adultery (e.g. Exodus 20:14, Matthew 5:27, James 2:11, etc).

I find this strangely comforting.

A cheater has a problem with God. And that cheater is not going to get the better of the Creator of the Universe. Only a fool believes otherwise.

I do not have to be smart enough or eloquent enough or whatever to make this point with my cheater. God’s got this!

They can delude themselves that it is merely a matter of rejecting the faithful spouse over this or that “excuse.” God isn’t fooled.

And the sooner cheaters wise up to this spiritual truth, the better for their own souls.



*A version of this post ran previously.