Unbidden memories

Sometimes the memories resurface at the strangest times. That’s the nature of grief. It ambushes and goes at its own speed.

And the difficult memories are not the hard ones. They are the “good” memories. Those memories are the hardest for me, at least.

“Good” memories drive home the thought that something worthwhile was truly lost.

Those fond memories tell a story of what “could have been” if not for the Cheater’s colossal moral failure! They highlight the tragedy.

These days such memories are mostly just curiosities to me. I am so far removed from my divorce that the emotional punch is not there as it was early afterwards, thankfully.

Yet, I am not immune to feeling some sadness over it. I recognize that I DID lose something I valued. And there is no shame in acknowledging that!

So, if you find yourself suddenly transported back by a song, a line somewhere, or a scent, please be kind to yourself. The grief just means you are a caring person and lost something that mattered to you. That is actually a good thing.

It means you have a living heart as opposed to a stone.