So, your Cheater cops to an “emotional affair” after you discovered compromising messages and confronted them. Are you sure that’s all it was?!
I know we want to believe that was all it was. That was where I was at in my first marriage for a long time. I did not want to believe it went further than emotionally inappropriate exchanges…
…but it did and was MUCH WORSE!
Grief might be protecting us from what we already know in our heads but cannot handle with our hearts. We likely know they had a full blown affair (emotional AND physical) but we are hoping it wasn’t fully consummated to avoid the pain such knowledge brings.
Yet it is better to face reality than deny it.
Your Cheater does not engage in chaste chats for the pure joy of conversation. Sex is the goal. That is forbidden fruit driving this behavior.
You can be pretty sure that what you do NOT know is MUCH WORSE than what you do!
Cheaters are deceivers. They trade in lies and may have lost their own ability to discern reality after believing their own lies. You do not have to follow them into the depths of such a hell.