Validation. What a gift!

Whether it is validation through evidence or validation from another human being who sees the real injustice and names it as such, validation is a precious gift.

I truly believe such validation is necessary for healing from adultery and abandonment. We need to be seen. Our pain needs to matter to someone, which includes ourselves.

Many faithful spouses get stuck because they do not receive this precious gift. People are confused over why he or she is so “bitter.”

These people are unwilling to consider their unwillingness to offer this precious gift of validation might be a major reason why this person is still “stuck.”

Their refusal to call an injustice, unjust is why the victim is still stuck crying out in the streets for his or her injustices to be seen.

I am grateful for those who were willing to give me this gift of validation. And I am grateful God gave me enough evidence to walk away with knowledge I needed about what went down.

My hope is for all faithful spouses coming to these digital shores that they might find the refreshment of validation.

You did not deserve the discard or the soul rape.

It is truly, truly unjust.




*A version of this post ran previously.


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