Value Added Worldly Wisdom

 Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.

-Colossians 2:8, NLT

“… for better or worse… rich or poor…”

Cheaters do not allow the traditional wedding vows to touch their hearts. They come at marriage from a very different philosophy of union. Their perspective is the worldly philosophy of analyzing “value added.”

What do I mean when I say “value added?”

Cheaters are constantly deciding whether or not the marriage is a good deal for them. Instead of settling and backing their choice, they treat the faithful spouse as disposable if a “better” deal comes along (i.e. it looks “better” to them even if in reality it isn’t).

This is a fundamental spiritual mismatch between faithful spouses and Cheaters.

Christian marriage is about sticking to one’s vows through the peaks and troughs of life’s seasons. It is NOT about “what’s in it for me.” Something bigger is at work that requires sacrifice of self and honoring of an ancient institution.

Does this mean faithful spouses should stay married to their Cheater?


Cheating breaks the marriage covenant. A faithful spouse divorcing their Cheater is acknowledging this spiritual truth. Even God divorces over this wicked behavior (see Jeremiah 3:8). We are not called to stay married to someone who is actively abusing us via lies and infidelity (see Mt 19:9 and I Cor 7:15).


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