Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say,“I will take revenge; I will pay them back,” says the Lord.
-Romans 12:19, NLT
What allows Christian victims to let go of the injustices they experienced?
Is it a denial wrongs happened? No.
Is it a minimization of the wrongs as if they we’re “that bad?” No.
Is it the false equivalency that “we are all sinners” afterall? No.
It is a promise from God that enables victims to let go of the real injustices they suffered.
What sort of promise?
It is an uncomfortable one for many Christians. This is a promise of a reckoning with God. The Bible does NOT say the wrongdoer gets a pass. Justice will be served.
I find this comforting. It frees me to let go of real hurts done by people who intentionally wounded me. I do not have to sink to their low-level to satisfy my God-given need for justice to be done.
Instead, I choose the higher road–see Romans 12:21–and leave room for God to rain down His righteous wrath upon them.
I can forgive in the sense that I let go of my need to enact revenge upon them. God will get them if they choose to remain in the camp of the unrepentant–see Hebrews 10:26-27.
God designed us with a sense of justice and righteousness as a reflection of His own character. He also provided a way out for us when that sense is violated. God gives us the instruction to trust Him.
He gives us a promise:
“I will take revenge; I will pay them back,” says the Lord.
-Romans 12:19b, NLT
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Pastor David (aka DM)