Want revenge? Rebuild and make an amazing life!

Want revenge?

When you are deeply hurt, it is natural to want revenge. It is natural to want to make the cheater hurt like the cheater hurt you.

However, I hope you do not give into those feelings.

Acknowledge them, yes. Act on them to cause actual harm, NO.

The best revenge for infidelity is living a new and better life without the cheater. It is a life of fulfillment where the cheater is a mere, unimportant footnote.

What better revenge on a cheater who wanted to be central to your life than to discover they were just someone you once knew on your path to an amazing future?!

God has amazing things in store for those who choose to continue to follow and trust Him. Do not let a cheater deprive you of those gifts your Good Father wants to give you!

Move on and up.

A bright tomorrow is around the next turn in the road.

I know because this was true for me, and it can be true for you!




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