What does it profit…

36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
37 Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

-Mark 8:36-37, KJV

But they are so successful and behave as if nothing happened! They’re off living this luxurious life while I am struggling to make ends meet.

It is truly unjust.

Some Cheaters just move on and act as if they were never married. They live the glamorous life while their discarded spouse is suffering. No ill effects financially seemed to have touched them. It is just not right!

What do we do with these feelings of injustice?

First, we acknowledge that we have them. We don’t gaslight ourselves and deny reality. They ARE better off than we are materially. (That last word is key).

Do you want to be the sort of person who could discard a spouse like they have?

I know I don’t. It takes an especially cold and cruel heart to be able to do just that. Plus, I question any Cheater’s ability to have truly lasting and deep relationships based on such behavior. Imagine living your life without any true, deep relationships.

Finally, you have your integrity, and they do not. Their words and vows are worthless whereas yours are worth gold!

They might have the yacht and the glamorous international vacations now. But what good are those things in light of matters of real value–namely, relationships.

Besides, God is not fooled. Even Satan was given reign in this world!


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