What went wrong?

“Could we meet up and discuss what went wrong between us?” asks Cheater.

You would be forgiven if you thought this question was about understanding and information exchange. It is not.

Cheaters know that they cheated.

What they do not have is a way to offload their guilt effectively. THAT is the purpose of the meeing–i.e. to blame you.

It does not take a psychological savant to realize that a refusal to stop cheating and rebuild what was destroyed by such sin is enough of an answer to “What went wrong?”

Might your marriage have had other issues? Sure. No one is perfect. But that is not what killed the marriage. Infidelity did.

Just because someone had cancer and was shot dead does not make such a situation less than a homicide. The cancer did not kill the person. It was the bullet that did.

Cheating is the bullet that killed the marriage. In fact, it was all the lies and abuses that goes with cheating that utterly destroyed the marriage. You do not owe a cheater a more in depth autopsy than that.

“What went wrong between us?” asks Cheater.

“Simple: Your cheating and refusal to stop is what,” replies Faithful Spouse.