Why an infidelity abuse support group? Cheated On Support Group Starts 9-9-24!

Why create an infidelity abuse survivor support group?

When I went through my experience of divorce from my Cheater, nothing like this existed. The closest is a national Christian ministry for divorce situations in general. That syndicated ministry was helpful because of the excellent local leaders. Yet it was not exactly what I needed.

Unique dynamics exist in the dissolution of marriages when infidelity is involved.

My biggest issue with the common Christian ministry for divorce situations is how it fails to separate parties in messaging. A failure to properly identify the problem and tailor care is a failure in spiritual care.

Pastoral care looks VERY different between caring for a faithful spouse versus a Cheater!

Honestly, it is usually the faithful spouse that comes to these meetings at churches. They need to be served better, in my opinion.

So, I created this group.

If you are in my neck of the woods, I would love to have you join us at Destiny Church, Rochester, MN on Monday evenings starting September 9th. There is no fee to attend. Just bring yourself and your precious heart ready to receive.

My hope is many will experience healing and comfort from the lessons I have learned over the years running this ministry and in my own healing journey (see 2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

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