When I went through my divorce and the ecclesiastical trial to keep my license as a minister, I wished I had a pastor sharing the messages I shared in my book.
I had some wonderful friends. (Some are pastors.) These true friends were helpful in my processing my losses and navigating those times.
However, the evangelical culture is stacked against faithful spouses:
How many here can think of hearing a pastor decry the divorce rates? Quite a few, I would guess. However, how many here can think of a pastor decry the devastation of adultery? Crickets?
Many just do not “get it.”
This was made painfully obvious to me when I was “interviewed” by several fellow pastors–who were my parents’ age. They claimed to not understand the very basic dynamic of a cheater lying and saying nasty, untrue things about the discarded spouse in order to look better and assuage their own guilt. Scary, right?!
If leaders of this fairly large evangelical denomination did not understand this basic dynamic, what hope do regular lay members have for competent pastoral care in their pews?!
I am not saying these gentlemen were malicious. They were ignorant. “Street-smart” is not how I would characterize them.
We can work with ignorant. It is when someone is both ignorant and arrogant–i.e. they think they “know” when they don’t–that no hope exists for them.
In light of this wisdom deficit, I launched this blog and wrote my book. People need to hear an evangelical pastor who supports faithful spouses and is intolerant of the abuse they are experiencing.
So, if that sounds appealing to you, I would encourage you to pick up a copy:
For a kind review of the book, please click here.