Wicked Flee

The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions.

-Proverbs 28:1, NLT

Cheaters sometimes exhibit odd behaviors.

I think those behaviors may be motivated by guilty consciences who know what they are doing is very wrong. They do odd things like a wicked person trying to flee themselves as the proverb suggests.

Yet Cheaters cannot outrun themselves or God.

They may call you “cruel” for simply highlighting the moral bankruptcy of their current path of behavior. Calling infidelity abuse “wrong” is “hurtful.”

How dare you quote Scripture condemning adultery?!

Their insistence of changing the subject every time the affair is mentioned as a problem is a form of running. They refuse to face responsibility for their sinful choices.

How about you? Can you think of instances of strange Cheater behavior likely motivated by a hurting conscience?

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