Wondering… Do they?

I wonder…

…do some Cheaters ever even consider they might be the problem.

Of course, the usual course of these things is to externalize the problem. They blame their spouse. Or they might blame the affair partner. Another candidate might be the stresses of work.

Cheaters have a long list of things or people to blame for their sinful behavior.

I think the saddest part is how pastors and other spiritual leaders enable this behavior. They refuse to raise the mirror to the cheater.

This is sad because no real spiritual healing can happen for the cheater until he or she faces their own ugly actions. They cannot change their behavior until they own their behavior.

Yet some cheaters are so twisted that they will never, EVER entertain that the problem with their marriage is looking right back at them in the mirror.


Hopefully, they do not get to this point because pastors in their lives refused to do the godly thing and call them to accountability.



*A version of this post ran previously.