Would’ve been 18 years today…

It would’ve been our eighteenth anniversary today. However, Cheaters do cheater things, and so, it isn’t.

Another day…

…that is what this day has mostly turned into at this point.

I am such a different person than who married that person eighteen years ago. Thankfully, we can grow and learn. I was SO naive back then!

After the divorce and into the early years of my second marriage, I remember how this was an especially hard day for me. I would plan out this day as to not to be alone. It is good to have plans for difficult days to care for yourself.

As a word of encouragement, it has gotten easier in time. This is especially true as my second marriage has FAR eclipsed the first. My life today is so much fuller than it was back then with Cheater.

You can build a better life–sans Cheater–that can outshine what you lost. I can testify to that by the grace of God!

I hope that at some point you can look back on your own anniversary date with the curious detachment that I am able to hold today. For those still struggling, it DOES get better!