Yes, emotional affairs are FULLY the Cheater’s fault!

For we must all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body.

-2 Corinthians 5:10, NLT

Yes, Cheaters are fully responsible for an emotional affair.

It is not the result of a wily affair partner. It is not the product of an “unhappy” marriage. It isn’t caused by emotionally distant spouse.

Cheating is caused by the Cheater choosing to cheat.

They are fully responsible for their choices and actions. Those sinful actions will be put before them when they stand to answer to God for them after death. Emotional affairs don’t get a pass simply because they are emotional.

Cheaters had other options than to start an emotional affair. A person with character would recognize vulnerability and avoid spending time with someone who is attractive during those times. Cheaters did the opposite.

They chose again and again the affair partner until it was an emotional affair at the minimum.

A wise pastor or Christian friend will not let an emotional affair Cheater shift the blame to their spouse or even the affair partner. They will exhort them to accept responsibility for their sins and repent.

Until such Cheaters accept full responsibility, they cannot even begin to repent and find freedom from said sin.

Why? Because they are believing lies. Truth–even this hard truth–sets free.

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