Seventeen years ago, yesterday, I married my cheater. I feel like I am a completely different person than that young man back then.
It is odd viewing oneself with such a long time having passed. I do not feel so much grief as I used to on this date. It is mostly just another day on the calendar.
My life with Mrs. DM and Munchkin keeps me busy and fills my heart. So, I do not regret the past–after all, if I had not moved on, I would have neither in my life today.
I love the life I have today!
I get to do a job that I love. My home life is a truly a blessing. Plus, I got parrots–five of them–to entertain us with their antics.
In fact, Loki–my buddy–was spooked one day and flew off my shoulder and into the sliding glass door. He slid down it–perfectly fine–but landed saying, “Ouch.” I love having pets that can communicate verbally!
Back to the anniversary: August 19th has returned to me.
It is no longer a day of dread but rather another day in my calendar. I know what it marks, but I am no longer captive to the grief.