On “forsaking”

forsake verb: to renounce or turn away from entirely On “…forsaking all others….” When we make this vow at the altar, we are ACTIVELY committing and vowing to give up other partners. It is a commitment that is only beginning that day as it must be renewed each day by each spouse. A wise spouse recognizes … Continue reading “On “forsaking””

Could have gone differently!

A danger for faithful spouses is focusing on the fantasy and not the reality of their situation. A spouse who cheats is the opposite of what the faithful spouse signed up for on their wedding day. Obviously, the marriage could have gone a very different way. That was the expectation, actually–i.e. a lifelong, faithful relationship. I think … Continue reading “Could have gone differently!”

Thankfulness is important

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. -I Thessalonians 5:18, NLT Ever notice how often we take our own health for granted until we get sick? Maybe it is only me who does this? But I doubt it. Focusing on what we do NOT have … Continue reading “Thankfulness is important”

Nary an apology!

When cheating happens, it damages more than just the marriage. It also destroys “friendships” as well. I have no problem questioning how Christian someone is who supports a Cheater over the faithful spouse while fully knowing of the infidelity. Minimally, they are NOT friendship material for the faithful spouse. Further, such people have different values … Continue reading “Nary an apology!”

About power

 25 Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 26 Not so with you.” -Matthew 20:25-26a, NIV Cheaters lie to hold power over faithful spouses. “Knowledge is power” as the saying goes. This means Cheaters are careful to control who has … Continue reading “About power”