Always calculating THEIR deal!

No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

-Matthew 6:24, NIV

Always Calculating THEIR “Deal!”

One dynamic with Cheaters is how they approach relationships. The marriage is simply a transactional relationship where they are extracting value from it.

They do not treat their marriage as a place to serve but rather a place to be served.

When they start cheating, I suspect most are making calculations over what gives them the most “value.” This “game” is always skewed as they are comparing reality with fantasy. However, they do this nevertheless.

Honestly, I find the thought of existing like this exhausting.

One of the beautiful things about being married is having this question settled for life. You do not–and should not–be evaluating future mates throughout your spheres. Rather, that energy is now free to invest in serving your spouse.

Sadly, Cheaters choose to invest energies promised to their spouses in illicit relationships. They continue serving multiple “masters” and thereby are a slave to this exhausting–and destructive–treadmill.