Anchoring our hearts on truth

Sometimes cheaters will push us off our balance with their confident lies.

The antidote to lies is truth.

Our journey to healthy spirituality is a journey of growing deeper in our understanding of truth. Truth is reality.

Cheaters deal in fiction and lies.

Some have been dealing in such worlds so long that they have lost the ability to discern truth and walk in reality. They are to be pitied AND AVOIDED AS DANGEROUS!

However much you desire your cheater or their supporters to acknowledge the evil deeds done, it is not worth giving up your sanity and serenity in order to argue with them over alternate realities.

Ground yourself in the knowledge of the truth instead. Remind yourself of God’s great love for you (see Ephesians 3:17ff).

You are not rejected but chosen from the foundations of the earth by the One whose choice really matters (see Ephesians 1:4).

Also, do not forget history…even the ugly history. You may never get their agreement over this history. Yet their agreement has no bearing over whether or not those things happened.

Never forget:

You do not need their agreement with the truth for the truth to be true.

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