So when Joseph came to his brothers, they stripped him of his robe—the ornate robe he was wearing—and they took him and threw him into the cistern. The cistern was empty; there was no water in it. – Genesis 37:23-24, NIV What’s your “Cistern Story?” Can you think of a time when your world was … Continue reading “Remember Your “Cistern Story””
Category: Encouragement
The Devil looks prosperous right now, too….
Then the Devil took him up and showed him in a second all the kingdoms of the world. “I will give you all this power and all this wealth,” the Devil told him. “It has all been handed over to me, and I can give it to anyone I choose.” -Luke 4:5-6, GNT Your ex or … Continue reading “The Devil looks prosperous right now, too….”
Evangelical Helpline For Struggling Marriages
Calling the Focus on the Family® Helpline When the Other Man was revealed to me, I called a helpline to figure out my next steps. Specifically, I called the Focus on the Family® Helpline (1-855-771-HELP (4357)). It actually was supportive for me. My mother had called earlier and had a very bad experience with the … Continue reading “Evangelical Helpline For Struggling Marriages”
As Long As This Is Being Taught By Pastors…
Recently, someone told me that her pastor said that that people who divorce their spouses for adultery could not remarry. I asked her where he got that notion. She said “The Word of God, of course!” I asked her why other conservative pastors would disagree with her pastor when they know “the Word of God” as well. … Continue reading “As Long As This Is Being Taught By Pastors…”
A Good Point From A Country Song
Times following infidelity discovery are usually times of great confusion. It’s like one has been thrown into the deep end of a pool and sunk to the bottom. Things that used to be easy are now made difficult. It’s hard to move, hear, and see in the deep waters. It is disorienting to put it … Continue reading “A Good Point From A Country Song”
Listen to the Holy Spirit
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:7, KJV One of the beautiful things about true Christianity is that Christians serve a living and active God. God moves in the hearts and lives of those God has … Continue reading “Listen to the Holy Spirit”
Beware of Limp-less Leaders!
The sun rose above him [Jacob] as he passed Peniel, and he was limping because of his hip. -Genesis 32:31, NIV While I was working as a security officer before I was ever married, I remember listening to a teaching on the Christian radio about leadership. Some prominent pastor, I do remember who, was quoted as … Continue reading “Beware of Limp-less Leaders!”
Lament and Michael Card
So often the church has lost sight of how important lament is. God wants our honesty. And sometimes all we can give God is our tears and protests of pain. The following series of YouTube videos linked below lay out a teaching by the Christian musician, Michael Card, on the topic of lament. It blessed … Continue reading “Lament and Michael Card”
Job Didn’t Always Feel The Love Either…
His wife said to him, “Are you still trying to be godly when God has done all this to you? Curse him and die.” – Job 2:19, TLB This is really tempting advice to take when the bottom has fallen out of one’s life.*** *** If you have a suicide plan and means, please seek … Continue reading “Job Didn’t Always Feel The Love Either…”
A Favorite Comforting Verse
“The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” -Zephaniah 3:17, NKJV Here God is talking to His people coming out of exile. They know pain and suffering. Sadly, in this … Continue reading “A Favorite Comforting Verse”