On Loaded Questions

“You gotta ask yourself: ‘Why did she HAVE TO leave you?’” says Cheater apologist. “No, the right question is why you are assuming she HAD TO sin,” says Faithful Spouse. “Why did she have to leave you?” is a “Loaded Question“–a logical fallacy. It makes a very BIG assumption–i.e. she HAD TO leave is the … Continue reading “On Loaded Questions”

Choose your beliefs wisely!

Cheaters speak all sort of lies about faithful spouses. They are especially “good” at the discard. They speak distorted things about who we are in order to feel better as if they are discarding us like trash. It helps them to think of us that way. You do not have to believe their lies about … Continue reading “Choose your beliefs wisely!”

Cheater offering “honesty”

“Well, I have learned that I have to be open and honest. You never… (Cheater’s pet peeve about faithful spouse).” -Cheater to Pastor in Couple’s Session Does this ring a bell for anyone? If it does, I submit it does as it is part of the demonic playbook to destroy faithful spouses. To be clear, … Continue reading “Cheater offering “honesty””

Cheater-Speak: “I never intended to hurt you.”

“I never intended to hurt you,” says Cheater. “Whatever. That does not excuse you for horribly sinning against me,” replies Faithful Spouse. Cheaters professing golden intentions are trying to minimize what they did. It is a move to sanitize their image. They do not want to think or others to think that they are that … Continue reading “Cheater-Speak: “I never intended to hurt you.””

Cheater-Speak: “My toxic shame”

“Talking about it just triggers my toxic shame. I can’t face what I did.” -Cheater This is a real conundrum for a faithful spouse. It is hard to heal when you do not have some of the basic facts and your spouse is refusing to help on that number citing “toxic shame.” The “toxic shame” … Continue reading “Cheater-Speak: “My toxic shame””

Misplaced Concern

“I really hope he didn’t feel uncomfortable with anything,” says Cheater. “What about my comfort with how things are? Why are you more concerned about him than me, your husband?” says faithful spouse. Being a good host is one thing. Taking a particular guest’s opinion and comfort into consideration OVER your spouse’s is another thing. … Continue reading “Misplaced Concern”