Cheater Criticisms

I remember believing once that I had to consider everyone’s critical words.

The idea is that I had to weigh if any truth were in them. This included words from my Cheater and her apologists. It could be the vilest attack on my character and person, but I would need to sort through the words to see if any truth was in the attack.

This is not something I believe anymore.

If the person is not investing in me and demonstrating they can handle my heart with respect, then I do not agree that I need to listen to their statements. Cheaters and their apologists do not get a free pass to savage my heart with their words. Not anymore.

Now, I am better in believing this on some days than others. It is a place of growth for me to shutdown the slings and arrows of outsiders.

Yet, I think it is critical to healing to learn how to tune out those whose words are causing harm. Just because a bit of truth is present does not mean you have to allow the blade concealed in that truth to cut you.

A partial truth is still a lie. And we are people of the light who deal truth alone, not lies.