They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. -Psalm 126:5-6, KJV I recall listening to a sermon by Pastor Bill Johnson about this word picture. He explained the idea as one going hungry and … Continue reading “Tears As Seeds”
Author: Divorce Minister
“Disappointing The Ultimate Authority” Handle
When my divorce was going through against my will (at the time), I experienced heightened spiritual distress. This was distress over disappointing the Ultimate Authority–i.e. God. Cognitively, I understood that I had no power to stop the divorce. My best friend spoke the truth to me earlier in September when he called out that … Continue reading ““Disappointing The Ultimate Authority” Handle”
DM Review: EFCA’s Revised Divorced Credentials Policy (Part III)
PART III: Reviewing the EFCA’s Policy Regarding Divorced Ministers ***This is the final installment of a review broken down into three parts. For more information and background, please read Part I and Part II.*** When the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) revised their policy regarding divorced ministers in 2015, they did much good while … Continue reading “DM Review: EFCA’s Revised Divorced Credentials Policy (Part III)”
DM Review: EFCA’s Revised Divorced Credentials Policy (Part II)
PART II: Reviewing EFCA’s New Policy Regarding Divorced Ministers ***This is a continuation of series of posts regarding a change in divorce policy with this prominent evangelical denomination. To view the first post that comes with important background to the discussion click here.*** As stated in Part I, I am writing this review in order … Continue reading “DM Review: EFCA’s Revised Divorced Credentials Policy (Part II)”
DM Review: EFCA’s Revised Divorced Credentials Policy (Part I)
PART I: Reviewing the recent policy changes in the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) regarding credentialing divorced individuals Link to the revised policy document (click here). Background: The EFCA is a denomination with Scandinavian origins started in the United States in the 1880s. It became the current denomination under the name the Evangelical Free … Continue reading “DM Review: EFCA’s Revised Divorced Credentials Policy (Part I)”
Hope In God
“You Uphold” by Clay Edwards This song ministered to my heart during some of my darkest times. It was especially encouraging for me as I was trying to get my feet back on solid ground–i.e. career-wise in particular. It helped to remember God’s perspective on my destiny is not a natural or human perspective. I … Continue reading “Hope In God”
It is okay to “fire” your pastor.
And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth. -Acts 17:11, NLT Maybe you are like me and find it difficult to say no to an authority figure? … Continue reading “It is okay to “fire” your pastor.”
You Should Be Grateful…
“You should be grateful… …that we allowed you to keep your ministerial credentials.” -A Denominational Official/Pastor While not an actual direct quote from someone, I did encountered this sort of sentiment when dealing with evangelical pastors regarding my divorce and profession. Such thinking was “justified” usually by referring to the sub-culture where old-school, (fundamentalist), evangelical denominations … Continue reading “You Should Be Grateful…”
Adultery victims exist. True story.
Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent— both are detestable to the Lord. -Proverbs 17:15, NLT Adultery and abandonment victims exist. In fact, they exist in churches just as they exist in the general populace. This truth might be a shocker to some pastors. But it is a true story. Some of us are not … Continue reading “Adultery victims exist. True story.”
Mailbag: “‘Feeling self-righteous and morally superior is a big trap.'”
Today, Chump Lady sent me this comment from her blog highlighting some rather awful advice given by a minister to a faithful spouse: I am so glad to read this post and all the replies tonight. I had an email exchange with my (former) minister earlier today that really frustrated me. I reached out to … Continue reading “Mailbag: “‘Feeling self-righteous and morally superior is a big trap.’””