Another Podcast Resource: “Therapy and Theology”

Recently, someone alerted me to an excellent podcast on infidelity discovery and betrayal trauma in general. It is Lysa TerKeurst’s podcast. Her podcast is “Therapy and Theology” and this particular season is Season 7 as they tackle to topic of betrayal. I listened to the first episode entitled “I’m Afraid I’m Being Betrayed” and found … Continue reading “Another Podcast Resource: “Therapy and Theology””

Temptation to write off all…

When the infidelity betrayal is fresh, a temptation exists to write off an entire gender. I think this is very common for faithful spouses.   I think it is part of the grief process. We feel vulnerable and betrayed. The trauma of it all makes us want to avoid putting ourselves in a place where … Continue reading “Temptation to write off all…”

Haughty Eyes and Lectures

There are six things the Lord hates— no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue…. -Proverbs 6:16-17a, NLT One thing that is astounding looking back is how unaware of their arrogance Cheaters and their supporters were. They will lecture the adultery victim about being a “good Christian” while cheating or supporting the Cheater. With absolutely … Continue reading “Haughty Eyes and Lectures”

Letting go of trying to limit their destructive path

One of my most important and hardest lessons that I teach is… You only control you. I think it is a common impulse to seek to warn others about your ex. This is especially true–I think–if they are in the helping professions where people are vulnerable to them. The impulse to do this–at least for … Continue reading “Letting go of trying to limit their destructive path”