A DECADE! Divorce Minister Blog Turns 10 Years Old!!!

Divorce Minister: Taking Adultery Seriously was officially established on July 11, 2014. I created this website as a place to share on matters regarding the intersection of infidelity and divorce from a Christian pastor’s perspective. From my own personal experience, I discovered a dearth of resources for Christians finding themselves dealing with a cheating spouse … Continue reading “A DECADE! Divorce Minister Blog Turns 10 Years Old!!!”

Acting entitled to your help

A stone is heavy and sand is weighty, But a fool’s wrath is heavier than both of them. -Proverbs 27:3, NKJV Have you ever noticed that Cheaters can’t be bothered to help you when you need it? However, they demand that you drop everything when they “need” something from you? They are such entitled creatures. And they can be cruel about … Continue reading “Acting entitled to your help”

Cheater-Speak: “I just want open and honest communication.”

“I just want open and honest communication,” says Cheater. Do Cheaters really want honesty and openness? No way! Cheating is no fun when you are faced with consequences that come with open honesty with your victim–i.e. the faithful spouse. Two-sided openness is such a drag for those committed to a lifestyle of deception. When Cheaters say that … Continue reading “Cheater-Speak: “I just want open and honest communication.””

Family Rule: Keeping up appearances

This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. -John 3:19, NIV Family Rule: Keep up appearances! I wonder how many of us, faithful spouses, married into families where appearances were of the utmost importance. Our Cheaters were conditioned from the earliest … Continue reading “Family Rule: Keeping up appearances”

“Sounds like you believe that.”

“I’m being faithful to God,” says Cheater. “Sounds like you believe that,” replies faithful spouse knowing otherwise. I don’t miss arguing over reality with my Cheater. Those were crazy-making experiences. She would attempt to force her will on me to agree to a certain narrative. It was a power struggle. I am glad those days … Continue reading ““Sounds like you believe that.””