CHOOSE your VICTORY narrative!

Instead of shame and dishonor,     you will enjoy a double share of honor. -Isaiah 61:7a, NLT Why would you choose to accept the lie-filled narrative from your cheater as your own narrative? Choose your own victory narrative! Remember: You are not the rejected spouse. RATHER, you are the FAITHFUL SPOUSE! You are not the morally … Continue reading “CHOOSE your VICTORY narrative!”

A voice for righteousness!

“For the lips of a priest should keep knowledge, And people should seek the law from his mouth; For he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts.” -Malachi 2:7, NKJV Seeking help from a pastor in situations of infidelity is different than seeking help from a therapist. This verse from Malachi 2–ironically, before the infamous passage on divorce–highlights … Continue reading “A voice for righteousness!”

Blaming their misery on you!

“Can’t you see that I am ‘dying’ here!” says dramatic Cheater. Some Cheaters want to make you responsible for their happiness or misery. They refuse responsibility for their own feelings. The danger arises when we believe them and accept such responsibility, which isn’t ours to carry. We do not have the power to control the … Continue reading “Blaming their misery on you!”