Biggest Marital Sin?

Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. -Hebrews 13:4, NIV Which is the biggest marital sin that one can commit according to the Bible? Adultery. Cheaters–and sometimes, even well-meaning pastors–sometimes treat adultery as a side problem to marriage troubles. This … Continue reading “Biggest Marital Sin?”

Cheater-Speak: “I just needed a break.”

“I just needed  a break from our marriage,” says Cheater. There is no “Pause” button on the marriage covenant. You are either honoring or dishonoring your covenant commitments. No “Pause” option. Living as if one is not married is the ultimate living a lie for a spouse. It is treating one’s spouse with contempt and … Continue reading “Cheater-Speak: “I just needed a break.””

Well, what did you contribute to the breakdown of your marriage?

“Well, what did you contribute to the breakdown of your marriage?” I hate that question. It is a “Loaded Question”–meaning it assumes you did something to destroy your marriage. Such questions are errors in reasoning–i.e. logical fallacies. While the question looks reasonable, it is really just a dressed up version of “The Shared Responsibility Lie,” … Continue reading “Well, what did you contribute to the breakdown of your marriage?”

Hobby day! Weighing in for another Bench Only meet.

Tomorrow, I will attempt to enter the 800lbs (363kg) bench pressing club officially at a sanctioned meet. This is my other hobby that I do on the side–i.e. equipped bench press. It is a great physical outlet for me. I am chasing 1,000lbs/454kgs (drug free) on the bench as my ultimate goal. Hopefully, I will … Continue reading “Hobby day! Weighing in for another Bench Only meet.”

“But I wasn’t perfect either.”

“But I wasn’t perfect in our marriage either,” says Faithful Spouse. Do you have to be without sin to be the innocent party regarding the end of your marriage? I remember going through my trial with the denomination and struggling with a version of this question. It was difficult to see myself as the “innocent … Continue reading ““But I wasn’t perfect either.””